Friday, March 21, 2008

Can Criss Angel Make Lindsay Lohan Naked Photos, Calum Best Disappear?

While surfers search all over the World Wide Web for the photos that Calum Best reportedly took of a bare backed and full frontal Lindsay Lohan it looks like she was taking a look at Criss Angel. She may need a little magic to get rid of what may be a bigger scandal than the Vanessa Minnillo pics.

Can Criss Angel Make Lindsay Lohan Naked Photos, Calum Best Disappear?

An anonymous sender just blasted the picture to "That Other Blog." They've censored it down to give it a PG-13 rating They as, "Is this Lindsay?" The buzz overnight was that according to a supposedly real between the dude that runs Celeb and Lindsay Lohan, someone allegedly hacked into her computer and stole some pictures that Calum Best had taken of her that show lots of skin.

To add to Lindsay's woes fresh out of rehab, Girls Talkin' Smack report that she was with the Las Vegas illusionsist this weekend.

More: "You would think with all the bad press Criss Angel has been getting after his little romp with Cameron Diaz, that he would try and stay out of the headlines for while. Not so. This weekend he was seen partying at Pure Nightclub with Lindsay Lohan and the camera’s even caught one blurry photo of him going back to her suite. I’m sure they just went up to play Yahtzee though."

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