Friday, February 8, 2008

America's Most Smartest Model: "Controversy" in Britain

When a reality television season comes to a conclusion here in the States, it usually means it starts its second life out in the rest of the world. So while the premise and outcome of VH1's reality competition series America's Most Smartest Model has been known for weeks in the US, the UK is just started to get its first taste of Andre Birleanu, Jeff Pickel, and Mandy Lynn late last month.

And, it turns out, some folks don't like that flavor at all. In fact some models were so insulted by the premise of the show they actually staged a protest. It turns out, though, that “staged” is the operative word.

And, it turns out, some folks don't like that flavor at all. In fact some models were so insulted by the premise of the show they actually staged a protest. It turns out, though, that “staged” is the operative word.
Some British models took to the streets on January 23rd to “protest” the show, with one pin-up model, 22-year-old Kayleigh Pearson stating, “MTV [who is airing the show in the UK] have launched a show to find America's smartest model and we are outraged that they think all models are dumb.”

Some of the protesting models sported bikinis, because nothing says “I want to be taken seriously” like wearing a two-piece bathing suit in England in January. They also carried suspiciously professionally-printed signs saying “MTV is making beautiful people look stupid.” Another model pointed out how well she'd done on tests and in school.

But, it turns out, it was all a scheme to boost the publicity for the UK showing of America's Most Smartest Model.

While the models weren't actually protesting the show, they might feel differently as the season progresses. Two stars of America's Most Smartest Model have spoken out about feeling misled through the process, and that they otherwise would not have signed on to such a demeaning program. Possibly these faux protesters will find themselves with a real quibble with MTV as the season progresses in the UK.


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