Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Red (Can’t Go Wrong) and the Black (Sober Is So 2008)

HOLLYWOOD — The movie industry must have woken up from the writers’ strike with a rotten hangover, unable to even think about frivolous things like parties and frocks. It was such a buzz kill that quite a few of the actors on the red carpet at the Academy Awards looked as if they either couldn’t be bothered with fashion this year — so not superficial were they — or had dressed in the dark on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

The hits were few and the misses, well, seemed to be less a result of actresses who dare to risk the wrath of the fashion policethan a general sense of red carpet malaise.

“I think a lot of people are being safe,” Kimora Lee Simmons, usually a fashion extrovert, commented on the E! channel. “Safe to me reads like boring.”

Certainly the stars deserved some leeway, but you would think that after months of Hollywood gloom and doom, the fashion would have been a little more upbeat. Instead, there seemed to be only two choices — wear red and be seriously appropriate or wear black and be appropriately serious.


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