Wednesday, February 13, 2008

London Fashion Week | Topshop, Biba, Emilio de la Morena, Poltock & Walsh

he Fashion Telex comes to you from London Fashion Week. Melissa Ventosa Martin, T Magazine’s women’s fashion associate, files daily dispatches.

London Fashion Week started yesterday with a double feature — Poltock & Walsh and Emilio de la Morena. The venue, the Science Museum’s library, was an intimate environment to showcase these young designers. P&W continued their color blocking, this time in a palette of chocolate and jewel tones. From E.D.M, there were some nice nubby tweeds. … Biba showed at my favorite London venue, the ballroom at Claridge’s, at 1 p.m. (I am always amazed at the zealousness with which Brits push Champagne and mixed cocktails at every hour!) This was even more evident when I made my way to the Topshop venue for its presentation. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon we entered what appeared to be a club night — cocktails, strobe lights and Kelly Osbourne mingling with the guests. Weird. … After dinner it was, finally, time for a drink. We headed to Ye Old Axe on Hackney street for the No Romance party where Jamie and Emma from British Vogue spinned a solid set of dance favorites. Cheers!”

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